Super Mario Fan Theory!

It’s sexist. Mario is a good person who gets suckered into “saving” fake victim Peach. Clearly she can fight equal to the bros as we see in Mario 2 yet continually gets “kidnapped”. Bowser then mysteriously has a son with no mother. Obviously the love child of Peach and Bowser. She is more concerned with her reputation and status to admit that she has a voluntary relationship with the Lizard king. She abuses all of these men with manipulation. They all believe that she loves them when in reality she is using them. She plays with their emotions and toys with their heads, pitting them against each other often requiring them to fight to the death just to “prove” their love and devotion to her.

Happy Spiderverse!!

FREE Collectors Card!
FREE for all Patrons in December!

In honor of the holiday season here are all of my characters from Marvels Spiderverse!! Included is also some art. Commissions are also available.

Follow me at for some exclusive perks and special bonuses!



Don’t forget to subscribe!

Photobook 3 Shipping Update and Calendar Exclusive Update


Cara Nicole AZ Powergirl 2018 Calendar

Big reveal! Here is the Exclusive Print Tier sexy print for the Calendar campaign! Never before seen shot at the beach 😉 Let me know what you think. ❤

Also, we have about 5 days left. We are currently at 23 backers and 532 %. Please share the campaign with your friends and let’s see how many people we can get to order one of my very special cosplay calendars 🙂


Cara Nicole AZ Powergirl Photobook 3:

Books came in, ordered and picked up some extra prints, and put about 60 packages in the mail yesterday. Sadly, I ran out of my flat mailers so I ordered some but I have to wait till they get here. As soon as I get them, I ship the rest! Whoever gets their books, let me know. Would love some feedback. Again, thank you so very very much for making cosplay a way of life for me.


2018 Cara Nicole AZ Powergirl CALENDAR!
2018 baby!!
I am Cara Nicole, YOUR AZ Powergirl!
You may know me from such things as Magic Cards, Comic Con, Politics or even from THE INTERNET!
One of the most requested things I get asked for is CALENDARS! The 2017 calendar was amazing thanks to you! Now, JOIN ME for THIRTEEN months of cosplay mayhem in the 2018 CARA NICOLE AZ POWERGIRL CALENDAR!


Butt Shots At A Con?

First let me say that I LOVE being a cosplayer. I love dressing up, and I love taking pics with people. Now, I don’t like being pushed or questioned about declining to shoot with someone. Maybe I have to go to the bathroom or take an important phone call. Or maybe I just don’t like you. We all have our reasons. I am always polite but seriously, don’t fucking push me. I am not required to kiss your ass while you treat me like shit. No one deserves that. And that, my friends, is what prompted this video. So please be kind to your friendly neighborhood cosplayers.